911 Addressing
When you dial 911 from a landline telephone, the physical address and phone number is displayed on the 911 call taker's screen. Your physical address is your house number and street name. In an emergency, seconds can make a life-saving difference.

If you do not know your physical address, call the Polk County Office of Emergency Management at 936-327-6826, and choose the option for assistance with an existing 911 address.

If you are developing property and need to establish a physical address, please call the Permit Department at 936-327-6820. If you live in the city of Onalaska, your physical address is established by the Permit Department. Contact the Onalaska City Hall at 936-646-5376 for information regarding building permits. If your property is located in the following city limits, please call City Hall:

CLICK HERE to view Polk County Road Naming and Addressing Policy

Posting 911 Numbers:
Make sure physical address numbers posted on your house or business are easily seen from the road. Structure numbers should be 5" high and preferably of a reflective material, or you could position a light so it shines directly on your address numbers at night. You may purchase street numbers at most hardware and discount stores or you can paint a sign. In an emergency the presence and visibility of these numbers may help save your life, and a well-marked location is much easier for law enforcement officers, firefighters, and medical personnel to find when you need help quickly.

Posting Address Numbers & Placing Mailboxes on Farm Roads, State, or US Highways:
If you live on a Farm Road, State, or US Highway, DO NOT place your mailbox on the highway or post your address numbers. Call the Texas Department of Transportation at 936-327-8914 for instructions.

Road Signs
A road sign can improve response time and ensure that responders have the correct location. If you notice your road sign is missing or damaged, please report it to your County Commissioner's office (if located in the county) or City Hall (if located within the city limits of Livingston, Corrigan, or Onalaska).
 County Commissioners:  City Hall:
 Precinct 1 — Guylene Robertson / 936-365-2222  Livingston — 936-327-4311
 Precinct 2 — Mark Dubose / 936-676-5929  Corrigan — 936-398-4126
 Precinct 3 — Milton Purvis / 936-398-5950  Onalaska — 936-646-5376
 Precinct 4 — Jerry Cassity / 936-327-6863